Brian Fitzpatrick and Meghan Schroeder Visit the William Tennent House

Despite the rain on the drizzly morning of July 8th, Catherine Tennent (portrayed by Wendy Wirsch) happily gave a special tour of the William Tennent House to US Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick and State Representative Meghan Schroeder. For over an hour they toured the property and house while Mrs. Tennent and other members of the WTHA informed them of the history and importance of this local landmark and of the hurdles that are being faced in order to restore the home. The William Tennent House Association was also presented with a Congressional Flag to recognize them for the important work they are doing.

US Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick and State Representative Meghan Schroeder present Wendy Wirsch with the Congressional Flag
US Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick and State Representative Meghan Schroeder present Wendy Wirsch with the Congressional Flag

The home that sits on what was formerly William Tennent’s land is an invaluable and irreplaceable piece of local history and the WTHA is excited and thankful to have the support of Brian Fitzpatrick and Meghan Schroeder as they move forward with their effort to save it. There is much work to be done, but with the support of the local community this historic landmark will one day be restored to it’s former glory.